Drogi Użytkowniku, Zanim rozpoczniesz korzystanie z naszego Serwisu zapoznaj się z Regulaminem oraz Polityką prywatności:
Oświadczam, że zapoznałem się z Regulaminem stron internetowych: www.akcjaserca.pl, www.special-patrol.pl, www.wodnepogotowieratunkowe.org.pl, www.motorowodny.org.pl i zobowiązuje się do przestrzegania jego postanowień w trakcie korzystania z tych stron.
Oświadczam, że zapoznałem się z Polityką prywatności stron internetowych www.akcjaserca.pl, www.special-patrol.pl, www.wodnepogotowieratunkowe.org.pl, www.motorowodny.org.pl. Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych, zgodnie z Polityką prywatności wyżej wymienionych stron www.
Przejdź do serwisu


The Water Rescue Service Poland (Wodne Pogotowie Ratunkowe) was established in 2012. The purose of the Association's activities is socially useful public benefit activity in the field of public safety, rescue, defense, civil protection and crisis management, health protection, education and scientific and technical activities, environmental protection and natural heritage. Our statute was fully agreed at the Ministry of National Defense, due to the planned training for the Territorial Defense Forces. So far, both as an Association and a private company Akcja Serca, we have trained not only hundreds, but also thousands of people in the field of water rescue, qualified first aid and first aid. Among the people trained by us were Police, Firefighters, Soldiers, Navy, Prison Service, Mountain Rescue Service and TOPR, Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics. For over 20 years, rescue and first aid have been the driving force behind all our activities.

Our activity also includes training for operators and instructors of unmanned aerial vehicles as well as instructors of physical recreation and sports in many areas. Survival, self- defense, shooting and first aid instructors trained by us work successfully all over the country and abroad. We work only with the best. Many of them come from, among others, from police, military and government formations who have repeatedly participated in missions in Afghanistan and Kosovo.

After invasion on Ukraine on February 24, 2022, our Instructors and Rescuers were sent to train civilians and Territorial Defense Forces in shooting, piloting drones and providing first aid on the battlefield. Our rescuers use their experience and skills in Kiev as well as at humanitarian points to help refugees.

According to our activities, we collect medical equipment, which is necessary to help people injured as a result of the ongoing war in Ukraine and to help provide supplies to humanitarian points and hospitals that suffered during the bombing.

Organization address:
Wodne Pogotowie Ratunkowe Os. Wincentego Witosa 19/4 34-400 Nowy Targ
NIP: 7352240706
REGON: 120044496
E-mail: biuro@wodnepogotowieratunkowe.org.pl
Mob.: (+48) 792-211-127

You can also support our collection by donating money to the account of our organization:
ING Bank Konto PL 25 1050 1445 1000 0090 3028 7636
ING Bank Konto EUR 36 1050 1100 1000 0090 8021 9596
ING Bank Konto USD 15 1050 1100 1000 0090 8158 6704
IBAN : PL 25 1050 1445 1000 0090 3028 7636 SWIFT ING: INGBPLPW

With a note: help for Ukraine.

Thank you very much for all financial and material assistance.